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Dreams come true: heading the positive impact leadership masterclass inspired by Philip Kotler

Yesterday I was so happy meeting with Philip Kotler who has inspired me during my marketing studies and my whole career as marketeer and #business leader.

I was honoured to be chosen as Head Master at the Innovative #Leadership approaches for creating #positiveimpact masterclass which had the goal of generating the 10 skills of positive impact leaders.

Prof. Kotler’s wisdom and bright #futurethinking has inspired our class about the need and the opportunity for leaders, #brands and organisations to focus more and more in creating long term values and make the world a better place for future generations.

It was magical to see how the class made of 45 managers reflected and selected the top 10 skills that positive impact leaders need:

1. Humility

2. Empathy

3. Trust

4. Active listening

5. Being a role model

6. Brave

7. Resilient

8. Creative

9. Self-aware

10. Decisive and delegating

It’s a journey that starts with small daily steps made of time, focus and discipline and everybody can become an innovative leader creating positive impact.

Special thanks to Prof. Addamiano and credits to Leonardo D'Urso, Rachele Gabellini and Angelo Monoriti who Co-lead the masterclass with me.

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